
Thursday, April 21, 2011

The joys of April

One of the best things about living in South Africa between March and May is all the public/school holidays. 21st March is a holiday every year, then we have the April school holidays, around here these are usually about a week. Then of course, usually about a week later is Easter, so another 4 day weekend. Then there is the 27 April which is another holiday and then the first of May is a holiday as well. This year these holidays have really worked out well for us since Easter falls on 22-25 April, then there is a day  and then it is the 27th, so a holiday, then 2 days and another long weekend.  So, I have signed leave days for Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and will  in effect have 11 days off! Yay!! The schools have been given Tuesday as a school holiday, but they have to go back on Thursday and Friday. (They were given the option of closing, but will have to make the days up, so I am happy they left things as is) Works for me, since I will have 2 days to do what I want to with no interruptions.
So, in preparation for my week of leisure these are my plans:
  • make some cards for a couple of birthdays coming up
  • try to start some art journalling
  • read
  • go to the torture chamber gym every day. I really need to get back into this habit
  • write some letters
  • work my way through Beyond Blogging for scrapbookers
  • do something fun with Brenda on Tuesday, haven't decided what yet
  • catch up on my huge i**ning pile
  • Oh, and I suppose their should be some studying thrown in there too, since my exam timetable arrived today
And, just in case you think these are all our holidays, we have 1 each in June, August, September and January and 3 in December, not too bad!


  1. Sounds like you've got more than enough to keep yourself busy! Good luck and have fun!

  2. Sounds like you're going to be busy....hope you have fun in amongst it all! Thanks for commenting on my weight loss
    Alison xx

  3. Enjoy your time off! I'm still trying to make my way through BBFS. Reading the prompts but not doing much else. I need to get over to the message board!

  4. sounds like a good mix of activities for your 11 days

  5. Sounds like fun - except for the ir**ing of course

  6. Sounds like you cna have lots of fun. Enjoy the your break. J x
