
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Friday smiles

Missed this meme last week, was just too busy. Fortunately after Monday the business should settle down a bit. Being in the courtyard of my old school last week during parents evening. The bench under the tree was my spot, a long time just a few years ago! Weird feeling to be at school again, lol. Another thing that made me smile was Brenda crashing on the floor of my office for 3 hours after I fetched her from a sleepover this morning. Unfortunately I was banned from posting the photos! For more smiles pop over here.


  1. Funny how we find things look different when we go back to former schools. I go past mine every time I go home to Mum and Dad. It looks more like a prison now as all the windows are boarded up at night - sad really!
    Thanks for visiting!

  2. Fab pic. Isn't it funny what we remember when we go back to our old schools and doesn't everything looks so much smaller than we remember :-) Thanks for joining in again this week.
    A x

  3. Thank you Tracy for your visit today. In fact, the wedding day was absolutely scorching and he did come close to dehydration in that heavy armour, and had to remove part of it when we got to the reception. I went back to school recently for a reunion and the bit that amazed us all was the staff room. Our memories were of a cloud of blue smoke issuing from that door whenever we delivered books there. Now it is clean and tidy and you can see all the way across the room. We had a good afternoon though with lots of chat and laughter. thanks for reminding me. xx Maggie

  4. I wonder if my old school is still there ..... it was eons ago...hahhahahh!!
